Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sheeeeeeee's Back

After a two week hiatus, Mrs. Pat will be back teaching this Sunday!

Be there to help welcome her back!!!!!

This Sunday's lesson is from 
Romans 14: 1-4, 13-19

A Stumbling Block Or A Stepping Stone
R.L. Sharpe

Isn't it strange how princes and kings,
and clowns that caper in sawdust rings,
and common people, like you and me,
are builders for eternity?

Each is given a list of rules;
a shapeless mass; a bag of tools.
And each must fashion, ere life is flown,
A Stumbling Block, or a Stepping-Stone.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

God’s Work Comes in CANS!

by Dr. Jay Wolf

If you believe that you CAN accomplish a goal or if you believe you CANNOT get the job done, you are probably right either way. Much of our ability to accomplish tasks in life depends upon our belief in our ability to get the job done. The truism is accurate: If you believe it, you can achieve it!

I have learned that God’s work comes in CANS. Paul’s guiding statement is located in Philippians 4:13 when he proclaimed with boldness mixed with faith, “I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” If you believe that God CAN do anything and His Spirit and power resides in you; then it is reasonable to conclude that you CAN faithfully navigate the obstacles and opportunities God assigns to you ranging from success to suffering.

For example, in Numbers 13, we find the story of the 12 spies who made a reconnaissance mission into the Promised Land. Moses had given them the task of surveying the situation and then guiding the children of Israel to conquer this special place that represented God’s banquet of blessing. The spies returned and affirmed that it was a rich and fertile land, but it was filled with GIANTS. 

Numbers 13:33 reflects a spirit of I CANNOT. The 10 spies moaned, “We were as grasshoppers in their sight.” They listened to their doubts and fears, abandoned their faith and entered a “captivity of negativity.” They sowed the attitudinal seeds of I CANNOT and they reaped a bitter harvest of wandering in the wilderness of waste for 38 years.

Here’s the point: Adopt the spirit of “I CAN.” Refuse to be held prisoner in the “captivity of negativity.” Work with the Lord to adjust your vision and attitude so you can stand with Paul the world-changer and faithfully declare, “I CAN do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me!”

Monday, May 18, 2015

Recap from Sunday, May 17th, 2015


Our class will be providing refreshment for VBS on Thursday, June 4th. During our class time, we will be passing around a list in order for you to sign up. Many of you will be teaching and working with this program and we thank you for your service. This is a great opportunity for those of us who are not able to volunteer to contribute to this valuable outreach.

Visitors: Shannon and Jan Vinyard - new members to FBCE

Prayers of Praise:

Vev and I would like to thank you for your prayers and concerns for Vev's father, Richard Baird, during his surgery. The surgery on his neck was successful and he will be recuperating for the next six weeks.

For the Cruz family, we lift up a prayer of thanksgiving for the safe return home of Jeremy from his last duty. We are glad you are back at FBCE!

We will be adding to our prayer list the following people and their families:
3 year old son of Aaron Cureton: snake bite
Micky Gwen: heart attack
Remember to check the list on the right of this blog for other prayer needs.

Lesson for Sunday, May 17th, 2015

Stick with Service
Galatians 5:13-15; 6:1-5,10

Many times we become focused on rituals and procedures as if they will assure us of being saved and having eternal life with Jesus. Such was the case of the people of Galatia, but Paul instructs them to understand that the old law was fulfilled by Jesus and that we should be following the Law of Christ. We should be following in His footsteps: loving God and loving people.

We should love one another so much that we are willing to carry each other's burdens. That we care deeply and are willing to come alongside to help through our prayers, our willingness to listen, our caring hearts, and our honest and frank words that convict our souls.

The 10th verse indicates that "as we have opportunity, we must work for the good of all." We need to be in prayer to see the opportunities that are available for us to love others through Christ like service.

There is a story about a lady who was celebrating her 100th birthday. She was very active and acute mentally. A reporter asked her "To what did you attribute your longevity?" With everyone expecting an answer that centered on exercise, good diet, and abstaining from bad habits, she gave her response. She said, " I have come to understand that today somebody is going to need me. I don't know who that person will be, but he/she will need me. So, as I arise every morning, I look forward to that person whom God puts in my path."

What about it? Who is going to need you today? Will you see him/her or will you pass him/her by? Focus on following after Jesus and you will see!

Monday, May 4, 2015

RECAP from Sunday, May 3rd, 2015


Congregational Survey from Search Committee: 
Please complete the survey that the Search Committee has produced. They are available at the church office, sanctuary, and Sunday School classrooms. This survey is your opportunity to share your attitudes and desires regarding the selection of our new pastor. Please be in prayer concerning your answers. Continue to pray for the Search Committee, individually and collectively as they seek God's will in HIS search and call for our next pastor.

Sunday, May 3rd - Lesson: ACTS 9:26-28, 11:21-26 

Joseph, a Levite of Cyprus: Called "Barnabas" meaning "encourager"
Teaches us three things in these scriptures:
1. Encourage for Acceptance
2. Encourage for Spiritual Growth
3. Encourage for Christian Service to others

Who is your Barnabas? The person who lifts you up!

But most important, Whose Barnabas are you?

Be a Barnabas for 

Your Church - Your Family - Your Community

Philippians 2:14 instructs, "Do everything without complaining."
Dr Jay Wolf ..............

It is easy to develop a critical spirit. I recently talked with a friend who confessed, "I have become a negative, bitter and unattractive person who is very hard to live with." Another lady told me, "I took my husband for better or worse, but he's a lot worse than I took him for!"

I recently read an editorial that observed, "America has become a nation of complainers." We all have the capacity to turn a sunny day into a gripe session about having to wear sunscreen.

There are two types of complainers: the Perfectionist and the Martyr. The Perfectionist demands that everything be done to their standard and any perceived error reaps a crop of harsh criticism. The Martyr complains about all of their really special problems and the lack of help and sympathy they receive from others. The complaining Perfectionist repels friends and the whining Martyr drains them.

The better way is God's way. Try to delete your whining and focus on shining by implementing the following suggestions:

1. Choose a grateful spirit instead of a critical attitude. If you were graced by God to be born in America, and you enjoy the benefits of consistent food, shelter and transportation, then you are a blessed person who should be grateful to God and to others. When you quit focusing on your own navel and look at the drastic poverty and problems in our fallen world, it will prompt you to do a checkup from the neck up and get rid of your stinking thinking and ungrateful attitude! Remember that you are blessed! Then praise God for your blessings which activate His presence because the Lord inhabits the praise of His people.

2. Stop complaining. For the next 24 hours, intentionally delete negative griping, whining, and gossip-flavored communication. Follow the admonition of Matthew 5:16, "You are the light of the world..." which means you should shine bright and not whine about your plight.

3. Start encouraging. Encouragement is the miracle-grow of the soul. Pour sincere affirmation on the people around you by refilling your spirit with Christ's Spirit, which makes you an attractive and positive friend. Remember, a pat on the back is only 18 inches removed from a kick in the pants, but the results are miles apart. Consistently apply Hebrews 10:24 which coaches, "Encourage one another and all the more as you see the day of Christ drawing near."

The Bottom line: Remember the light of the encourager attracts and sustains while the criticism of the complainer repels and drains. So choose TODAY to shine and not whine!