Friday, September 25, 2015

God's Promise of Answered Prayer

In this message:
  • This Sunday's Lesson
  • Prayer - AUTHENTIC
  • Humor

God's Promise of Answered Prayer
Luke 11: 5-13

After giving a model for "how to pray" (vs 2-4), Jesus offered some 
additional pointers concerning prayer. Foremost, His message was that 
His followers are to be persistent in prayer. Prayer is driven by knowing we 
have a need that we cannot meet within ourselves. Thus, we go to the 
One we know has the resources, the ability, and the desire to meet 
that need. We are assured the Lord answers the prayer of faith.

At the end of the lesson is the section "LIVE IT OUT". This provides three 
ways to put prayer into action in your life.
1. Use the model prayer
2. Start a prayer journal
3. Be an example: pray regularly

The following comes from  the Wednesday Night Bible Study (WNBS). We were 
studying "The Discipline of Personal Prayer" in the study "Authentic" by 
James MacDonald.Which leads me to inviting you to come and join us on 
Wednesday night. We meet in the Andress Class room. You would be a blessing 
to us by joining us.
  • Is My Prayer REAL?
    • Public performance prayers are a sure sign of insincerity.
    • The secret to prayer is prayer in secret.
  • Is My Prayer SIMPLE?
    • Prayer is not to inform God.
    • The purpose of prayer is to express faith toward God.
  • Is My Prayer WORSHIPFUL?
    • The Lord’s Prayer is a Model prayer.
    • When you begin your prayer, begin with Father.
  • This was added in the video and was not noted in the guide:
    • – adoration
    • C - confession
    • - thanksgiving
    • – supplication
  • Is My Prayer SUBMISSIVE?
    • There is no answered prayer where there’s not submission to God.
    • I surrender my wants and my sense of timing.
  • Is My Prayer PRACTICAL?
    • Prayer List – Daily Bread
      • Income in every household
      • Physical heath
      • Emotional heath
      • Spiritual health
  • Is My Prayer REPENTANT?
    • “God, I want You to forgive me the way I forgive others."
  • Is My Prayer EXPECTANT?

A wonderful individual shared with me another acronym about prayer:
P.U.S.H. – “Pray until something happens.”


  • There are three kinds of "givers": the flint, the sponge, and the honeycomb.
  • To get anything out of the flint you must hammer it. By doing this you may get chips and sparks. 
  • To get liquids out of the sponge you must squeeze it, and the more you apply pressure, the more you will get. 
  • The honeycomb just overflows with its own sweeteners. 


A doctor broke the news to a man that his wife would have to admitted to an extended care facility. "I'm afraid that her mind is completely gone," replied the doctor. The husband sighed heavily as he responded, "Makes sense. She's been giving me a piece of it every day for the last 50 years."

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Reverend Ben Bowden
on receiving and accepting 
The Call 
to be the Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church Enterprise

Sept 20, 2015

Psalm 34:4-14
Jim Arrington - Facilitator

Friday, September 11, 2015

Update September 11th, 2015


For those who were not at church on Sunday, August 6th, 2015:

 The Pastor Search Committee candidate will be preaching in both morning services Sunday Sept.  13.   There will be a special business meeting at 6:00 pm on Sept. 13 at which time the church will vote on the candidate.  Please try to attend and participate in the business meeting.  

JP Sawyer, Chairman 

This week's lesson: God's Promise of Eternal Life

The purpose of this week’s study is to assure all believers they can believe and trust the promises of God and to avoid the false doctrines that have become so pervasive.

Jesus Is God’s Son (1 John 5:6-9)
Lasting Lessons in 1 John 5:6-9:
1.  The Jesus who was baptized and crucified is the Christ, the divine Son of God and only source of salvation.
2.  God’s evidence and testimony to the divine nature and saving efficiency of His Son is superior to any evidence or testimony humanity might offer against it.

Life Is Found In Jesus (1 John 5:10-11)
Lasting Lessons in 1 John 5:10-11:
1.  Rejecting what God says is the same as calling Him a liar.
2.  God’s desire behind eternal life involves much more than never-ending life.
We Experience Life When We Believe In Jesus (1 John 5:12-13)

Lasting Lessons in 1 John 5:12-13:
1.  Eternal life is a present reality for believers, not something to be waited for.
2.  Eternal life is a simple matter—the presence of the Son of God in one’s life.
3.  God does not wish for His children to live in doubt about their relationship to Him.  He desires His children to “know that [they] have eternal life.”  God guided John to help us know how to have that assurance.

God’s Promise of Faithfulness
The focus of this study is drawn from the first 18 verses of Psalm 89, which points us to the fact that the One whom we can depend on, even in the worst of times, is always just a prayer away!

God’s Faithfulness Is A Cause For Praise (Ps. 89:1-2)
God’s Faithfulness Is Celebrated In Heaven (Ps. 89:5-8)
God’s Faithfulness Is Experienced By His Followers (Ps. 89:15-18)

We live in a society in which commitments and vows are regularly broken.  Circumstances and life situations change, and people walk away from a commitment or agreement.  Sometimes we “break faith” in a relationship simply because we’ve changed our minds or our feelings.  Fortunately, God is not like us.  God keeps His word to us, and Psalm 89 gives us cause to celebrate God’s faithfulness.

All of us have gone through some period of trial.  Some trials come because of the evil actions of others, some from living in a fallen world, and some because of our own poor choices and rebelliousness against the Lord and His Word.  During those times, we need something to provide us stability and give us hope.  God’s merciful love and faithfulness is a solid foundation.  Even if we displease Him and even though He may chastise us, He still is filled with mercy and overflowing with faithfulness in every circumstance. 

Even when trials come to you, don’t lose hope!  Remember you can stand firm on the truth that God is faithful in His love for you.  He will not forsake or abandon you in your time of need.  So, where do you stand when it comes to your reliance on Him when trials come your way?  When do you turn to Him?  Is He your first choice when you need help or only when you can’t resolve your dilemma yourself?  Rate your reliance on God on a scale of 1(last choice) to 10 (first choice) when trials come your way?  If He is not your first choice, what do you need to elevate Him to that position?  Ask Him for His help.  You know that He is faithful and just to respond to your need!

What are the implications of these truths for your life?  
REMEMBER, the safest place for a believer is in the center of God’s will.

Friday, September 4, 2015


First and foremost!!!! This Sunday is the first Sunday in the month!!!!!


Fix your favorite breakfast item, bring it, and share it with the class!!!

Luke 14:12-24
Invite others to your feasts to share your blessings with them. 
In turn, as Christians, we are to invite others to share
in the feast that King Jesus has prepared for all.

Stand Strong: Building Your Life on God's Promises

God's Promise of Faithfulness
Psalm 89:1-2, 5-8, 15-18

There are times we "break faith" in a relationship simply because we've changed our minds or feelings. Fortunately, God is not like us. God keeps His Word to us. As we will discover in Psalm 89, there is something to celebrate !


A new pastor was talking to the oldest member of the congregation, Miss Maxine Sculley. "I am 90 years old, sir, and I haven't an enemy in the world," said the aged one. "That is a wonderful and beautiful thought," said the pastor approvingly. 

Quickly came the reply, "Yes sir, I'm thankful to say that I've outlived them all!"