Saturday, February 21, 2015

Spring Quarter Begins Sunday, March 1st .....

Spring Quarter Begins Sunday, March 1st .....

First Sunday Breakfast..... bring breakfast items and a huge appetite
Image result for breakfast clipart

Beginning this Sunday...

Themes for the lessons are:

Like No Other: The Life of Christ written by Dr. Tony Evans. I know you will want to be present to learn about a savior "like no other"!

"The reason you may not be seeing more of God’s rescue and deliverance in your life is that you may have Jesus positioned as your Savior, but not as your Lord."   click here to learn more of Tony Evans

Image result for Dr Tony Evans

Dr. Tony Evans click here for Tony Evan's Face Book page

March 1 - Promised Like No Other - Isaiah 53:2-12  Monthly BREAKFAST
March 8 - A Birth Like No Other - Luke 1:26-35
March 15 - A Power Like No Other - Mark 4:35-41
March 22 - Teachings Like No Other - Mark 1:21-22; 10:17-22
March 29 - Death Like No Other - Matthew 27:28-31,45-50,54
April 5 - Resurrected Like No Other - Matthew 28:1-10  Monthly BREAKFAST
April 12 - Ascended Like No Other - Acts 1:3-11
                                    April 19 - Exalted Like No Other - Ephesians 1:7-10,18-23

Like Glue: Making Your Relationships Stick written  Pastor Ben Mandrell. This young man, a church planter, has a laser focus on relationships. 

Why I Don’t Want My Daughter to Be “Hot”  click here to learn more about  Ben Mandrell. 

Ben Mandrell click here for Ben Mandrell's Face Book page
Image result for Pastor Ben Mandrell

April 26 - Stick with Love - John 15:9-14
May 3 - Stick with Encouragement - Acts 9:26-28; 11:21-26 - Monthly BREAKFAST
May 10 - Stick with Forgiveness - Matthew 18:21-28, 32-33
May 17 - Stick with Service - Galatians 5:13-15; 6:1-5,10
May 24 - Stick with Humility - Philippians 2:1-5, 13-15
May 31 - Stick with Acceptance - Romans 14:1-4, 13-19

Join us each Sunday for Christian teaching, fellowship, and the Love of Jesus Christ

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