Thursday, April 9, 2015


We had a great time last Sunday!!!! If you were not there, I am sure you will be there this Sunday. 

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1. Bro Sonny gave a powerful sermon.
2. Our class provided a great breakfast for the traditional 1st Sunday Breakfast
3. Bro Ben gave a plaque in celebration of Mrs. Pat's 45 years of service to Sunday School Teaching.
4. Bro Sonny re-emphasized the remarks of Ben regarding Mrs. Pat. 
5. Mrs. Pat shared her thoughts about the past and the future of our class.
6. Mrs. Pat then covered the Resurrection in 3 minutes: but I thought the greatest thing said "If not for the resurrection, Jesus would have been like other prophets." He is in no way like other prophets, they are dead and He is ALIVE! Like our study says, "LIKE NO OTHER"

Remember the reception Sunday evening honoring Bro Sonny.

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 This week we will continue our study of "LIKE NO OTHER". We will be focusing on the Ascension of Jesus. I call it "Jesus has left the building." We will focus on Acts 1:3-11. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Wednesday Night Bible Study at First Baptist Church Enterprise

We had a large group at our first session this past Wednesday night, as we started a new study by Dr. James MacDonald entitled "AUTHENTIC". We would love to have you join us.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for the good report on Eric Averett. Please keep him, Bill and Terri in your prayers as he recovers.

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