Friday, July 17, 2015

New Study - this Sunday

The Call to a Renewed Life

Nothing refreshes like a good night's sleep. Who doesn't enjoy the occasional afternoon nap.

In a way, sleep is not good for us. In fact, it can be dangerous. I'm talking about being spiritual asleep. Life has a way of lulling us to sleep spiritually. If we allow ourselves to settle into a spiritual snooze, after a while we simply wither spiritually. 

It's time to wake up!!!!!

We need to experience a renewal from and with God. This is a warning....this is not a study for those who want to maintain the status quo. In this study we will look at several places where God called people to return to Him: a call to experience revival and awakening both personally and in our church. When people have turned back to God throughout history, He has done extraordinary things. Join us as we seek that renewal with God.

This new study will:
1. Help connect us to Christ
2. Help connect us to our Christian communities
3. Help connect us to our Christian culture

Mrs. Pat will be teaching this Sunday. She will lead the class in this initial lesson (Jonah 1:1-3; 3:1-5,10) of this study. What great people for our class to learn from; Mrs. Pat and Jonah!!!!

Vev's father had a great visit to the doctor this past Monday. He has been released and allowed to remove the neck brace. He is also allowed (limited) drive privileges. He will return in 10 weeks for a follow up examination. He asked abut playing golf and the doctor said that could happen after the week period.

Vev is back home. We will miss this Sunday as we are taking sometime together at the beach! We will be back next Sunday as we study Revelation 2:1-7 "Return to Your First Love."

Thank you all for your prayers and concern for Vev and her father.

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