Friday, October 23, 2015

Game Changer: How to Impact Your World

We hope you will join us this Sunday!
Mrs. Pat will be back and teaching

Our Teaching Unit:
Game Changer: How to Impact Your World
A Study of the Book of Daniel

The Lesson for This Week:
"Pray Fervently"
The Point: "Our Prayers Connect Us With God's Plan"
Daniel 2:13-21, 26-28a

Last week's Lesson:
"Develop Conviction"
The Point: "Live Your Life With Uncompromising Conviction"
Daniel 1:3-5,8-13,17-19

A Little Something Extra...
Since We Can't Take It With Us, Let's Send It On Ahead!

I recently heard an amusing and instructive story about a wealthy man who was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The rich gentleman idolized his material possessions so he liquidated his assets and ordered his wife and nephew to place the cash in a box in the attic. He told them, “When I die I’ll grab the cash on my way up!”

In a few days he expired as predicted. His wife and nephew ran up to the attic and found the cash box undisturbed. His widow exclaimed, “I knew that old fool should have put his cash in the basement!”

Here’s the Point: Since we can’t take it with us, let’s send it on ahead!

Jesus tells us how we can use our earthly resources to build God’s kingdom and create a heavenly mutual fund that will yield dividends for eternity. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heavenwhere moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:19-20)

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