Biblical Truth About Homosexual Marriage
In 1996 the Defense of Marriage Act became federal law which allowed states to refuse to recognize same sex marriage. In the last two years, some activist federal judges have overruled God’s natural design and the will of the people in many states and declared a new definition that sanctions the dangerous social experiment of “same-sex marriage.” Such a designation by a government does not change God’s definition. The only true marriage in God’s eyes is the exclusive, permanent union of a man and a woman even if our courts seek to defy this reality.
The descending moral climate of our times can be captured in the popular song sung by the confused Snow Queen of Frozen, who belts out “No right. No wrong. No rules for me. I am free.”
Friends, if there is no God, no right, no wrong, no moral absolutes and no accountability — then nothing really makes much difference. Hitler was no better than Mother Teresa. If you adopt a moral compass that has no guiding needle pointing to true north then you will eventually digress to a world mirroring William Golding’s dystopian “Lord of the Flies” which depicts a stranded group of British boys whose unbridled selfishness creates social dysfunction, destruction and death. However, if there is a God, who provides moral truth, helpful rules, and accountability-- then it is very important that we understand and utilize God’s protective boundaries.
God’s Word calls us to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15) because “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:12) In our secular society, deception is running rampant, but it will not win the day. God’s liberating truth always prevails in the end.
God calls the body of Christ to function as salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) in a society of decay and darkness. As Christ-following citizens we must help our culture make correct moral decisions that will provide stability and productivity for our communities. Regarding the dangerous social experiment of homosexual marriage it is important to explain that God crafted the family as the basic building block of civilization. His design was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. In Matthew 19, Jesus affirmed that God’s design was for one man and one woman to connect their lives for a lifetime. Please remember that God’s prohibitions constitute our protections. When you reject the divine design and embrace what God prohibits, you move into the danger zone. If you buy a new car, which is designed for gasoline, you have the option of defying the owner’s manual and filling the tank with diesel or beer. But the results of your defiance will prove disastrous for the car’s performance. If your car malfunctions on the interstate because of your poor choices and crashes into the van carrying my grandchildren, your bad decision creates a disaster for me. Similarly, I believe that the current attempt to normalize the abnormal by calling homosexual relationships a marriage is a dangerous social experiment which will cause immense collateral damage. God’s Word warns, “Woe to those who call good evil and substitute light for darkness.” (Isaiah 5:20) Additionally, God instructs us that those who foolishly “exchange God’s truth for lies” will reap a horrible harvest of destruction and death. (Romans 1:20-32) The corrupted culture of Sodom and Gomorrah experienced devastating destruction because they defied God’s instructions. (Genesis 19)
The appropriate response for sincere Christ-followers is not to throw rocks at our friends mired in deception but to offer them God’s love and truth to facilitate liberation. We must translate Biblical truth into practical conversations that will shine the guiding light of reason as we effectively articulate why we adhere to a Christ-centered worldview that protects us and positions us for God’s blessing. Our job as Christ’s salt and light is to serve as truth tellers because lies create captives. Love people enough to share God’s truth and help set the captives free!”
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