Tuesday, April 28, 2015

RECAP  of last week::  JOHN 15:9-14 .... LOVE ... Let love permeate every relationship

Mrs Pat shared last week from her heart... and what a joy she shared with us.

Pat and I had agreed that she would teach on the 19th and 26th. Of course the 19th we experienced the bad weather and the call homeward for Burkett. I saw Pat at the visitation on Wednesday and told her that our plans had changed and I would be pleased to teach on Sunday, the 26th. She immediately told me that she wanted to teach. That the lesson was on love and after 63 years, she had something to say about that subject; and "say" is what she did!!!! Straight from the heart!!!!

In the book (lesson book) at the end of last week's lesson, there is a quote by the author Ben Mandrell. It goes like this....

“How much pain are you willing to endure for another person? That’s the yardstick that often measures your love for them.”

 For you, Mrs. Pat, there is not a tape measure long enough to measure this!

This Week

1st Sunday of the Month
(Truett's favorite Sunday)

LESSON : Stick with Encouragement
Acts 9:26-28; 11:21-26

Be a Barnabas!!!!

Please be in prayer for our Search Committee
collectively and individually
Kevin Ammons
Emily Clark
Sam Curtis
Tiffany Dowling
Mike McQueen
JP Sawyer
Gayle Stewart


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hear God's Call to Trust and Obey!
Dr. Jay Wolfe

The famous pastor, Norman Vincent Peale, told a revealing story about his childhood and his father’s instructions on the foundational Christian discipline of obedience. Peale’s dad was a devoted Christ-follower and wanted his son to be a disciplined disciple. In particular, Norman was instructed by his father not to smoke tobacco because of its power to create an addiction. However, young Norman was drawn to the prohibition and, one Saturday, he was secretly smoking a cigar in the back yard when his father unexpectedly arrived. Norman quickly placed the cigar behind his back as his father walked up to him. The young teenager wanted to camouflage his illicit activity by asking a question. So, he blurted out, “Father, I have a date tonight. May I please borrow the family car?” His dad paused and looked deep into his son’s eyes and responded wisely by saying, “Norman, never ask for your father’s favor when you are holding smoldering disobedience.”

God’s Word tells us, “The Lord does not delight in burnt offerings and sacrifice but He rejoices when you obey His voice. Obedience is better than sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22)  John Sammis captures God’s goal when he penned this great hymn: “Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.” Trust and obedience are the two hands that take hold of the promises of God. Trust and obedience are the two feet that keep you walking on God’s pathway. Trust and obedience are the two ears that enable you to hear the transforming truth of God’s Word.

Embrace your assignment: throw away any “smoldering disobedience.” Instead, actively seek the sweet joy, protection, fulfillment and productivity that come when you choose to “TRUST and OBEY" because there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey!”

Thursday, April 16, 2015


This Sunday, April 19th, 2015, "Our Church" will select "Our Pastoral Search Committee." At the 8:15 and the 10:30 services, we will vote for 4 men and 3 ladies from the list below. As we exit from the services we will place our votes in the ballot box.

This is your opportunity to prayerfully follow God's will as we seek the Pastor whom God has chosen for "Our Church."

Please continue to be in prayer for these items:
  • Our Church - God will place His choice in His pulpit
  • Search Committee - for wisdom and discernment to God's will
    • Romans 12:2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. 
  • Our Pastor To Be - that he will seek to follow God's will

Listed in Alphabetical Order
Men ................................. Women
Kevin Ammons                  Emily Clark
Sam Curtis                         Tiffany Dowling
Josh Gunter                        Joyce Oliver
Henry Lincoln                    Allison Robley
Mike McQueen                  Kay Roper
Kurt Pierce                         Gayle Stewart
JP Sawyer
Joe Talmadge 

To Our Pastoral Search Committee & The Body of Christ of FBCE

In my reading, I found this article. I believe it addresses what our search committee will be doing in the future. As you will notice, it never says anything about the spiritual, personal, or physical qualities of various candidates. It focuses on finding God's Will. This is where the search committee and the Body of Christ - His Church begins and ends. 

Think about it and let us seek God's Will. May God Bless You!

Finding God's Will Together by  Ruth Haley Barton
Christianity Today - Fall 2012

Discernment is the capacity to recognize the presence and activity of God. Paul says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can discern what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable, and perfect (Rom 12:2). Corporate discernment, then, is responding to the activity of God as a leadership group and to make decisions in response to His Presence.

The heart of the discernment process is listening—

  • to God
    • the movement of the Holy Spirit
    • the Scripture 
  • to each other
  • to what's going on in the depths of our own souls
    • that place in us where God's Spirit witnesses with our spirit about those things that are true

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday Morning Cup of Inspiration - Delivered on Tuesday Morning

Dr Kevin Elko certainly keeps me in check each week. I hope you have found his website and subscribe to his Monday Morning Cup of Inspiration.

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NOTE : This one will stir your emotions and it is awesome.....

Have I told you lately that I love you?????

Monday, April 13, 2015

RECAP of Sunday, April 12th, 2015

RECAP of Sunday, April 12th, 2015

Recognition of Mrs. Pat's birthday - sweets and goodies provided

The singing of the "Happy Birthday" song led by Truett Chambers & Richard Pipkin

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  • Bruce, Terri, and Eric Averett as Eric recovers from his accident
  • The family of  Sandy & Eddie Coffey and Ms. Ruby upon the death of Sandy's brother and Ms. Ruby's son, Michael Tipton of Maryville, TN.
  • Jeremy Cruz, nominee for Youth of Year
  • Starla Bryars, second grade teacher, College Street Elementary
  • Praise for Troy Bailey
Lesson - Acts 1:3-11    Jesus Has Left The Building, but The Holy Spirit Is Coming

After His death, Jesus appeared many times to the disciples during a 40 day period. Some immediately worshiped Him, but some showed cracks in their faith. He knew it would be like this so Jesus showed them "irrefutable evidence." He ate and drank with them. He touched them and allowed them to touch Him. Thomas had to be convinced by touching His nail scarred hands.
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What about you, how would you have responded? 

Image result for ascension of jesus clip artOver the next 40 days, Jesus opened the minds and hearts of the disciples by re-teaching about the prophets and the Kingdom of God. They thought that Jesus was going to establish the Kingdom of God with Jesus as the ruler and wipe out Roman rule. Jesus actually gave them a crash course in evangelism. He assured them that God would send a gift (Holy Spirit) after He left and that they would be His witnesses throughout the world, but first in Jerusalem.

At the end of this 40 day period, Jesus took the disciples to an area know as Bethany or the Mount of Olives. From here, Jesus ascended into Heaven upon and within a cloud. Then two angels instructed the "Men of Galilee" that Jesus would return as He had departed. The disciples then returned to Jerusalem praising God and waited for the Gift of God.

Imagine a fan as an example of the Holy Spirit. We can feel and see effects (wind) of the fan, but we can not see it (wind). We know the source of the wind and as we get closer to the source the greater the effects. Just like the fan: as we get closer to God we feel and see the effects of the Holy Spirit.

What kind of a breeze are you getting right now? Not much? 
MOVE CLOSER TO THE FAN!!!!!Image result for breeze of a fan

Recognition for Mrs. Pat Howard

Mrs. Pat recognized for 45 years of
faithful teaching service
Matthew 25:21

Bro. Ben presents award to Mrs. Pat
for 45 years of  SS teaching service.
Mrs. Pat has her turn for speaking!
Bro. Sonny adds his accolades!

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SUNDAY, APRIL 12th, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015


Many times I will make mistakes on the blog. 
Please make me aware of them so I can rectify and correct them. 
Many times my brain and fingers do not work together!

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Thursday, April 9, 2015


We had a great time last Sunday!!!! If you were not there, I am sure you will be there this Sunday. 

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1. Bro Sonny gave a powerful sermon.
2. Our class provided a great breakfast for the traditional 1st Sunday Breakfast
3. Bro Ben gave a plaque in celebration of Mrs. Pat's 45 years of service to Sunday School Teaching.
4. Bro Sonny re-emphasized the remarks of Ben regarding Mrs. Pat. 
5. Mrs. Pat shared her thoughts about the past and the future of our class.
6. Mrs. Pat then covered the Resurrection in 3 minutes: but I thought the greatest thing said "If not for the resurrection, Jesus would have been like other prophets." He is in no way like other prophets, they are dead and He is ALIVE! Like our study says, "LIKE NO OTHER"

Remember the reception Sunday evening honoring Bro Sonny.

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 This week we will continue our study of "LIKE NO OTHER". We will be focusing on the Ascension of Jesus. I call it "Jesus has left the building." We will focus on Acts 1:3-11. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Wednesday Night Bible Study at First Baptist Church Enterprise

We had a large group at our first session this past Wednesday night, as we started a new study by Dr. James MacDonald entitled "AUTHENTIC". We would love to have you join us.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for the good report on Eric Averett. Please keep him, Bill and Terri in your prayers as he recovers.