Monday, April 6, 2015

Uncommon Life - Daily Challenge by Tony Dungee

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April 5th - 

Luke 22:42 "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." (NIV)


I can not tell you how many times I've asked myself, "What does God want me to do in this situation?" Sometimes it's a real challenge to see God's will. Even when you are walking with Him by reading His Word on a regular basis, by being around other believers and bouncing ideas and questions off of them, by going to God in prayer.... sometimes it's just a real challenge.

.... Sometimes it is obvious what decision to make and still stay in God's will. Sometimes it's more challenging and you have to prayerfully follow your heart - after all, He's the one who created you and gave you the passions you have.

    In today's verse, Jesus knew where it was all heading. The plan had been determined long before. Even when we know where God is leading, there are times when we can only do it in His strength, knowing that He is walking with us.

    How about you? Where is your challenge today? It may be understanding where He is leading - it may not be clear at all. Or maybe it's clear, but it is something that is difficult and makes you uncomfortable: forgiving a friend who has wounded you, asking for forgiveness, taking a step in faith to pursue another career, relocating to another city, or other stressful decisions of life.

    Know this: clear or not, the Lord is leading ... and is with you.

UNCOMMON KEY > What challenging decision do you need to make while following His will? Pray for His guidance and strength as He moves forward with you.

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