Wednesday, June 3, 2015



If you have not had a chance to get 
your summer quarter lesson book, 
This week's lesson comes from
Joshua 1:1-9
It's Time to Lead: Be Strong and Courageous!

At this time in our church's history, we face one of the most difficult challenges in discerning God's will as He selects our next leader. When you hear the word "leader," what face or name comes to your mind? An entrepreneur? A CEO? A pastor? A coach? A General?

Let me add one more entry to that list: YOU. No, I have not passed your resume to the search committee, but I do know that each of you is capable of leading. Each of us is a leader at some point and God has called or will call each to step forward at any given moment. 

What's that? You don't know how to lead!

The Bible is full of leaders. Jesus provided the greatest example of "servant leadership" and left an excellent plan to follow. For the next 6 weeks, we will follow one of the greatest model's of leadership in the "servant of Moses," Joshua. Throughout the book of Joshua, God gives a blueprint of how to be godly and effective leaders.

Think of the leadership role God has given you. Picture in your mind the faces of the people you lead, influence, encourage, and inspire. Open your heart to what God can do with available
servants and leaders like YOU. Be the leader God desires you to be!!!!

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