Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Finding Your Value in God
This is our study unit for seven weeks. 

Remember this??
2 tickets to the BIG Game: $50
2 hot dogs, 2 popcorns, 2 sodas: $27
1 autographed baseball: $50
1 real conversation with your child: PRICELESS
There are some things money can not buy!

That raises an interesting question: what gives something value?

Your value as a human being is determined by God. Your worth is based on the fact that God created you, loves you, and gives you value. Unlike items that go up or down in value and worth based on the opinions of others, your value does not change.

How can you know you are highly valued by God? This study will examine seven things that God has done for you that prove your worth to Him. Remember, you are PRICELESS!!!!

Lesson 4
December 27th
Strengthened by God's Power
Ephesians 3:14-21

Many of us have experienced the challenge of stepping into a new job with little or no training; we were left on our own to do the work. Parents often feel the same way when they are first handed their newborn child. Our experience in the Christian life is different. Jesus Christ has done everything to bring us salvation, but He does not leave us alone to figure out how to live for Him. He empowers us with His very presence—His Holy Spirit!

This week’s study focus is on the Holy Spirit as God’s empowering agent who lives inside each believer and when it comes to living the Christian life, the Holy Spirit is absolutely someone we can’t live without.

Paul likely wrote his letter to the church at Ephesus while he was imprisoned at the city of Rome, around AD 60—62. One of his big themes in this letter was the unity of the church. Jewish and Gentile Christians shared together in the body of Christ, the church. Paul stressed that all Christians are saved by grace through faith unto good works (Eph. 2:8-10).  Paul also noted that God has clear expectations about how we should live for Him. The second half of the letter focuses on the Christian life, especially Christian ethics. In chapter 3 Paul reported his prayer for the Ephesian Christians. Paul prayed that God would provide them His power in their lives and that they would understand the depth of His love for the church. Paul mentioned all three persons of the Trinity in his prayer, highlighting the way God empowers His people to bring glory to Him.

The Christian life is not static but dynamic. God does not leave us on our own but empowers, enriches, and fills us through His Holy Spirit. What we know of Him and have experienced in Him, as wonderful as it is, is not the limit of God’s ability. He is able to bring so much more to our lives when we seek Him and open ourselves up before Him. Thus, to pray as Paul prayed is always appropriate for us. We are to pray daily to be strengthened so that we may know the love of Christ and we may be filled with His fullness.

As you reflect on this session, how does your understanding of the Trinity help you live for Christ? What has been the role of God’s Holy Spirit in your daily life? How do you utilize the power of the Holy Spirit in your daily life? Do you request His Holy Spirit to empower you for your daily walk, or do you request His power only when you feel you can’t handle the situation yourself? Have you ever felt that you didn’t want to bother God with such a pitiful request for help? Or just plain ignored engaging the power of the Holy Spirit to help you in a specific situation? Or until you messed it up and finally turned to God for help?

So, where do you stand with respect to God’s Holy Spirit? On a scale of 1 (rarely) to 10 (frequently throughout the day), how would you rate your reliance on God’s Holy Spirit to empower you for whatever is before you? Is your reliance on the Holy Spirit a habit in your daily life.  If not, do you want to improve on your reliance on Him? If so, ask God to help you to seek the Spirit’s help on whatever is before you during each day? The Holy Spirit stands ready to step in. All you have to do is ask!   

What are the implications of these truths for your life?  THE CHOICE IS YOURS, ISN’T IT!

Make sure you read "Redemption Is the Reason for the Season" 
located in Something Extra 



Redemption is the Reason for the Season!
Dr. Jay Wolf

Most people have heard or sung the soaring music of Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus." The majestic oratorio proclaims, "For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth and He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings! And Lord of lords. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"

The composer of the "Hallelujah Chorus" was the legendary musician George Frederick Handel who lived from 1685 until 1759. But did you know that late in his life, everything went south and turned sour for the great composer? He lost the HANDLE - so to speak. Handel lost his fortune, his health, and nearly his hope. His critics claimed, he was burned out and outdated. In the darkest part of his valley, he faced bankruptcy and the embarrassing threat of debtor's prison seemed unavoidable.

In God's gracious timing, Charles Jennings a wealthy patron and true friend, asked Handel to compose music and orchestration that would capture the Bible's theme of redemption. Jennings proposed that the text would be completely Scripture. Handel had grown old, tired and emotionally defeated-but he mustered just enough courage and faith to embrace the assignment. He began writing the oratorio that is known as Handel's Messiah. He projected that it would take a year to compose; but God inspired him. He wrote day and night and completed the 260 page manuscript in 24 days. God enabled Handel to fight back from failure and make his greatest contribution to the music world. You might even say that Handel made a remarkable come Bach!

Next time you hear the "Hallelujah Chorus" be reminded of a man who had lost his song, but he found restoration and redemption as he tapped into God's help and hope to write some of the greatest music ever shared. The miracle of the Messiah continues in these days before Christmas because God is still in the business of changing lives, by moving people from ruin to redemption and from dark despair to bright hope!

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