Monday, March 30, 2015

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Monday Momentum

Isaiah 40:19
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

Please allow me this opportunity to thank you and Mrs. Pat for allowing Vev and me the privilege of helping to carry the load. Like you, we want to share in seeking a closer relationship with God, so we can understand and walk in His will. Thank you!

A couple of announcements:
1. Breakfast Is Served! As is our custom for the first Sunday of the month, we will share a breakfast in and during our class.

2. This Sunday, Ben Bowden will be joining us to present a plaque honoring Mrs. Pat for her 45 years of leadership and teaching Sunday School. This is an awesome opportunity to recognize faithful service. Please make your plans to be present.

3. Please check our prayer list and be in prayer for these concerns.

Review of this past week's lesson:

  • Jesus' death is the heart of the gospel! 
  • Jesus is mocked by soldiers and bystanders. When we do not follow God's will, deny His authority, or fail to take a stand for Him, we become those mocking bystanders of His trial, flogging, and crucifixion.
  • Jesus is abandoned as God's Son. Jesus abandoned his will (being the Son of God) to follow God's will of being the Savior for our sins, in order that we can have a relationship with God through Him, the Messiah.
  • Jesus is acknowledge as God's Son. The centurion's (commander) statement "This man was truly God's Son." was in contrast as to what had happened. Have you realized and accepted Him as to whom and what He is? HE IS JESUS, the risen Son of God!
    • It is amazing that at the cross a gentile is the first to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God.
    • What about you?
Men of the Howard Class!! (Okay ladies, call him over and say this is for you.)

Image result for uncommon life daily challengeI have been using "Uncommon Life: Daily Challenge" by Tony Dungy as a daily devotion. It is my hope that you will get a copy (purchase it or ask as a gift) and begin a daily devotion. By using a common book, we will all be on the same date and can share in something that is bigger than we are.

I will continue to talk about this concept in our class.

Here is a clip from today's devotion:
"..... We need a dream to follow, a passion to pursue, and a calling to recognize. We don't fulfill our purposes by following others' paths. We fulfill them simply by being ourselves. When we discover who we are and what we are designed to do, it opens up a whole new world.
Uncommon Key > Find out what God has put in your heart and follow it. The passions He has placed there not only fulfill your needs but also His purposes."

Friday, March 27, 2015

Easter is coming!!!!!

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On that Good Friday over two thousand years ago, if they only knew, SUNDAY is coming! It maybe FRIDAY, but SUNDAY IS COMING!!!!!! 

Remember that Easter Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, so as is our custom we will eat breakfast together at the Sunday School hour.

This Sunday - March 29th:

We continue to study Tony Evans' study of "LIKE NO OTHER" This week we look at that dismal day when only a few held any kind of HOPE! We look at "A DEATH, LIKE KNOW OTHER". Our focus scripture will be Matthew 27: 28-31, 45-50, 54.
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I sent out an email with a very informative article regarding Roman Crucifixion. I hope you will read it and understand that this punishment was horrible. I am thankful that this no longer exists.

Check the prayer list and please be in prayer for these concerns!

Monday, March 16, 2015

RECAP of Sunday, March 15, 2015

RECAP of Sunday, March 15, 2015
Thanks to everyone who was in attendance! If you were not present, we hope you will be back this coming Sunday!
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PRAISE: It was great to have Mrs. Pat back. She is feeling better, but we all need to continue to pray for a full recovery from the bronchitis. 

The lesson was on target about having a strong faith in the POWER (Like No Other) of God! Right now thank God for His almighty power working in your life!
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PRAYER LIST - Check the prayer list on the right hand side of the blog and be in prayer for these people. In addition, if you would like to add somebody to the list, please send me an email.

Please be in pray for:

  • Our church; that God will place His choice in His pulpit
  • The person whom God will place in His pulpit
  • The search committee (individually and collectively); that God will give them wisdom and discernment to see and follow God's will for His church
Mrs. Pat will be teaching this coming Sunday as we continue to study "LIKE NO OTHER". This week's focus is "Teachings Like No Other." (Mark 1:21-22; 10:17-22)

When a person wants to learn a certain skill or profession, there are certain schools, universities, or programs that come to mind. These institutions have knowledgeable and outstanding teachers and have a great reputation in providing experts in certain academia. But where do we go when we want to learn about living life to its fullest? Many people seek various religious persons and their wisdom. As Christians, we have the greatest teacher in all of history. Not only did Jesus teach us how to live, He showed us how to live.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

POWER LIKE NO OTHER! - March 15, 2015

February 26 2015 by Wayne Proctor, Pastor, Eure Baptist Church, Eure, NC 

Focal Passage: Mark 4:35-41

Do you ever have weird, nonsensical dreams? If yes, do you know why? Not long ago I had such a dream. I was in college, it was a few weeks into the semester and there was a class I had not yet attended. I struggled to get out of bed and go to class.

My worry was that if I went, it wouldn't matter. I would have already failed.

As I awoke out of my nightmare, I shook my head and said, “What in the world was that about?”

Monday Morning Cup of Inspiration by Dr. Kevin Elko

Welcome to the
Monday Morning Cup of Inspiration! (ON TUESDAY MORNING)

This week's edition of The Monday Morning Cup of Inspiration can be found at the link below.

- Click and see more at:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


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We will continue this Sunday with the spring quarter theme: "LIKE NO OTHER: THE LIFE OF CHRIST."

Mrs. Pat will be teaching the second session of this theme. This week's lesson is entitled "A BIRTH LIKE NO OTHER." The focus scripture will be Luke 1:26-35. 

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From last week: we learned that Jesus Christ was "Promised: Like No Other." 750 years before Christ, Isaiah prophesied about the "suffering servant of the Lord" in Isaiah 53. For 750 years the Jews and the nation of Israel knew HE was coming and they still rebuked HIM.

HE is coming again and Jesus said it this time (Matthew 24:30-31, 37-41). Will we be ready when HE comes again? If you were to die today, do you know where you will spend eternity? If not, call upon me or members of the church staff and allow us to help.

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The Secret Service

A friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. 
The Pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord!" 
My friend replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor." Pastor questioned, "How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?" 
He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."

Do we have some "secret service" members of our class? I am sure you might be able to recall a name or two! Some may be friends of yours. If we can remember a few, the Lord is challenging us to give them a call, write a note, send an email, or send a text. Let them know that we miss them, that they can be a blessing to our class, and we want them to find a church home at First Baptist.

Image result for hand written "miss you" note
Image result for text message iconImage result for phone clipartWhat a challenge this can be and I know you can answer the call; besides, we are just "beggars telling other beggars where the BREAD is."Image result for email