Tuesday, March 3, 2015


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We will continue this Sunday with the spring quarter theme: "LIKE NO OTHER: THE LIFE OF CHRIST."

Mrs. Pat will be teaching the second session of this theme. This week's lesson is entitled "A BIRTH LIKE NO OTHER." The focus scripture will be Luke 1:26-35. 

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From last week: we learned that Jesus Christ was "Promised: Like No Other." 750 years before Christ, Isaiah prophesied about the "suffering servant of the Lord" in Isaiah 53. For 750 years the Jews and the nation of Israel knew HE was coming and they still rebuked HIM.

HE is coming again and Jesus said it this time (Matthew 24:30-31, 37-41). Will we be ready when HE comes again? If you were to die today, do you know where you will spend eternity? If not, call upon me or members of the church staff and allow us to help.

Image result for see you at church

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