Thursday, June 4, 2015

I came across this "Spirit Jogger" and thought it was appropriate during this time of the year!!!!

Don't Take a Vacation!
by Rev. Jay Wolf

I have always loved summer. School is closed and the pools are open.
Refreshing, ruby-red, ice cold watermelon! Fishing. Cookouts. Shorts and T-shirts. Excursions to the beach, lake and mountains. Summer is a wonderful time to slow down, relax and is the time for vacations.

However, don’t take a vacation from walking with God and serving His purpose. Don’t take a vacation from daily and weekly worship. Don’t take a vacation from studying God’s word and
interceding for this broken world. Don’t take a vacation from faithful stewardship and service. After all, these spiritual basics are not a burden but a blessing that creates perennial refreshment.

May God re-calibrate you this summer as you take some time out while staying spiritually tuned in. What’s more, remember that God never takes a vacation from you. “God is faithful. Through whom you are called into fellowship with His Son, Christ Jesus, our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:9)

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