Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I apologize to Mrs Pat. Last Sunday I said I had posted on our blog, but upon further investigation, I was wrong. I had a blog ready to post but never posted it! So, to the class and Mrs. Pat, I apologize.

In an attempt to catch up, here are some notes:

  • Update from Sunday, Aug 2nd, 2015
  1. Thanks for the wonderful breakfast items brought on the First Sunday of the Month.... 
  2. Great lesson on that day from Nehemiah 1:3-10, the focus being: "Move forward by returning to prayer." 
  • Many times we grumble and fuss about our conditions (social, physical, spiritual). We feel helpless in making the situations right. 
  • That is the perfect time for us to worship our God through prayers of submission, intervention, praise, and glorification. 
  • Lift your prayers to Him!

  • Update from Sunday, Aug 9th, 2015
  1. Charla is updating the class roll and care groups. If your contact numbers, street address, electronic address, or name has changed within the past two years, please let her know. Her phone # is 347-4342 or email her at   csadkison@hotmail.com  
  2. Our lesson this past week was from Nehemiah 8:1-8. 
  • It portrayed what the Israelites did after they completed rebuilding the temple and the wall of Jerusalem.
  • After being in exile, they had lost the practice of turning to God's Word. The Law of Moses had become a faint glimmer of their history. In exile they had intermarried and mingled with other nations and religions. With the rebuilding of the temple and the wall, God came upon them and planted a desire to renew their understanding of God's Word.
  • They called forth to Ezra to bring the scrolls of the "Torah" and read it. From daybreak to noon, Ezra read from the Torah. They worshiped and prayed to God.
  • Return to God's Word.... How do I do that in today's society. 
    • I gave a sheet to the class from James MacDonald's bible study, "AUTHENTIC." This sheet focused on how to renew and sustain a study of God's Word. This sheet came from the Wednesday Night Bible Study blog. You can click on the link to see that sheet. http://wnbsatfbce.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-discipline-of-personal-bible-study.html 
    • Three thing to return to God' Word: 
      • Pick It Up - you have to have it in your hand
      • Size It Up - Look for scripture about God's Word through a concordance or Goggle it.
      • Eat It Up - Jeremiah 15: 16  &  Ezekiel 3:3
Have a great week .... Lesson for next Sunday comes from Acts 4:31-37. With the focus being: "Walking with Christ brings us together in unity and purpose."

See you next Sunday!

If you want to read a touching story, click on the link below: it is something to which we can all relate.

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