Friday, March 27, 2015

Easter is coming!!!!!

Image result for easter religious

On that Good Friday over two thousand years ago, if they only knew, SUNDAY is coming! It maybe FRIDAY, but SUNDAY IS COMING!!!!!! 

Remember that Easter Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, so as is our custom we will eat breakfast together at the Sunday School hour.

This Sunday - March 29th:

We continue to study Tony Evans' study of "LIKE NO OTHER" This week we look at that dismal day when only a few held any kind of HOPE! We look at "A DEATH, LIKE KNOW OTHER". Our focus scripture will be Matthew 27: 28-31, 45-50, 54.
Image result for crucifixion
I sent out an email with a very informative article regarding Roman Crucifixion. I hope you will read it and understand that this punishment was horrible. I am thankful that this no longer exists.

Check the prayer list and please be in prayer for these concerns!

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