Monday, March 16, 2015

RECAP of Sunday, March 15, 2015

RECAP of Sunday, March 15, 2015
Thanks to everyone who was in attendance! If you were not present, we hope you will be back this coming Sunday!
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PRAISE: It was great to have Mrs. Pat back. She is feeling better, but we all need to continue to pray for a full recovery from the bronchitis. 

The lesson was on target about having a strong faith in the POWER (Like No Other) of God! Right now thank God for His almighty power working in your life!
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PRAYER LIST - Check the prayer list on the right hand side of the blog and be in prayer for these people. In addition, if you would like to add somebody to the list, please send me an email.

Please be in pray for:

  • Our church; that God will place His choice in His pulpit
  • The person whom God will place in His pulpit
  • The search committee (individually and collectively); that God will give them wisdom and discernment to see and follow God's will for His church
Mrs. Pat will be teaching this coming Sunday as we continue to study "LIKE NO OTHER". This week's focus is "Teachings Like No Other." (Mark 1:21-22; 10:17-22)

When a person wants to learn a certain skill or profession, there are certain schools, universities, or programs that come to mind. These institutions have knowledgeable and outstanding teachers and have a great reputation in providing experts in certain academia. But where do we go when we want to learn about living life to its fullest? Many people seek various religious persons and their wisdom. As Christians, we have the greatest teacher in all of history. Not only did Jesus teach us how to live, He showed us how to live.
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